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Think like a wise man, but speak like an ordinary man.


People fail not because they have no faith, but because they cannot turn faith into action and stick to it.


To be successful, you must have the following conditions: use your desire to increase your enthusiasm, use your perseverance to flatten mountains, and at the same time believe that you will succeed.


The process of spiritual maturity is a continuous process of self-discovery and self-exploration. Unless we understand ourselves first, it is difficult for us to understand others.


You are young if you have faith, old if you doubt; you are young if you have confidence, old if you are afraid; you are young if you have hope, old if you despair; time wrinkles your skin, but losing enthusiasm wrinkles your soul.


The saddest person in the world is the one who has no merits to show off, but tries to cover up his pitiful inferiority complex with disgusting arrogance and boasting.


If you are unhappy, the only way to become happy is to sit up straight and act and talk like you are happy. --- It is impossible to remain depressed psychologically if your actions radiate happiness. This little basic truth can do wonders in our lives.


Lincoln said: "A man who wants to achieve great things should not be always calculating with others and waste his time arguing with others. Pointless arguments not only damage his temperament, but also make him lose his self-control. Whenever possible, be more humble to others. Rather than competing with a dog for the road, it is better to let the dog go first. If you are bitten by a dog, even if you kill the dog, it will not heal your wound."


Where your interest lies, that's where your ability lies.


Most fears arise from ignorance and uncertainty.


One of the characteristics of human beings is that they will not accept criticism from others, always think that they are always right, and like to find all kinds of excuses to justify themselves.


The most important thing is not whether others love us, but whether we are worthy of being loved.


No matter how miserable tomorrow will be, at least today has not been wasted.


Try to get close to people who understand you, trust you and encourage you. This will have a great impact on your future success.


Many people fail to become good communicators, mainly because they only talk about things that interest them, which are boring to others.


The most painful thing is not the tears of failure,

But the regret of not trying hard,

Don't let tomorrow's you,

I hate myself now.

Time is fair.

Everyone has 24 hours in a day.

The difference is just cherishing.


If you are criticized, please remember that it is because criticizing you will give him a sense of importance, and it also shows that you are successful and noticeable. Many people get satisfaction by criticizing people who are more successful than themselves.


Either endure, be cruel, or get out.


Treat others the way you want others to treat you.


If you admit your mistakes before others blame you, and you have said what the other person wanted to say, and he has nothing to say, then you have a 99% chance of gaining his forgiveness.


The way to develop self-confidence is to do what you are afraid of and get a record of successful experience.


If you disagree with someone's opinion, you may want to stop him, but it's better not to do so. It will not work. If you want to make enemies, make them stronger than your friends; but if you want to make friends, make your friends stronger than you. The Germans have a saying: "The purest joy is the joy we get from other people's difficulties." Yes, some friends may get more satisfaction from your difficulties than from your victories. So don't always exaggerate your achievements to others. We should be humble, so that we can always be liked by others. We should be humble because you and I are nothing great...


Willie James: "The deepest element in human nature is the desire to be valued by other people."


For those immature people, they can always find some excuses to cover up some of their own shortcomings or misfortunes.


What you think you are is not who you really are. Instead, you become what you think.


Gratitude is a product of great education, you can't get it from ordinary people. Forgetting or not being able to thank is human nature.


In the complicated modern society, only those who can keep inner peace will not become crazy. Those who do not know how to resist worry will shorten their life span. Nothing can make a woman age faster and destroy her appearance than worry. What makes you most relaxed and happy is a sound faith, sleep, music and laughter. - Have confidence in the future - Be able to sleep well - Look at life from the funny side. Health and happiness are yours.


The current efforts are in exchange for going further.

See what others can’t see.

The reason why we work so hard now is to make sure that when we are old,

You don't have to run around all the time.


People who develop the ability to listen quietly seem to be rarer than people of any other good character.


The only way to influence others in the world is to talk about what they want and tell them how to get what they want.


Life has its ups and downs, but you can never lose your mood.


Being kind to others is not a responsibility, it is a pleasure, because it can improve your health and happiness. When you are kind to others, you are also kind to yourself.


The saddest thing about human nature is that we all procrastinate on living, dreaming of a magical rose garden in the sky instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our window today.


"Let us remember that the people we live with are not absolutely rational animals, but are full of emotional changes, prejudices, conceit and vanity." No matter how much you admire someone, he has such things, it's just obvious or not.


A person's vision determines his height.

A person's mind determines his breadth.


The first step towards maturity is to take responsibility. We live in this world and face many responsibilities in life. For those immature people, they can always find some reasons to get rid of some of their own shortcomings or misfortunes. It is important to make people's lives better, rather than indulge in the abyss of self-pity. You must bear the consequences of your actions and be responsible for your actions, instead of just kicking the chair!


Save the face of others! What an important question! But we seldom consider this question. Even if others make mistakes and we are right, if we do not save the face for others, it will ruin a person.


The best way to impress someone is to talk to him about the things that are most precious to him.


Many lonely people are like this because they don't understand that love and friendship are not gifts that fall from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of effort and cost. If we want others to like us, we must pay a lot of effort and cost.

It does take some effort. Love, friendship or happy times are not something that can be stipulated by a contract. Let's face it. Whether the husband dies or the wife passes away, the living have the right to live happily again.

But they must understand that happiness does not come from others but from winning the needs and love of others.


No matter what, stay true to yourself and be unique.


Many troubles in life come from the fact that we blindly compare ourselves with others and forget to enjoy our own lives.


As long as you believe that you are doing the right thing, don't worry about what others say.


Life is like walking, it is hard and beautiful all the way. Wherever you look, it is your life realm. If you always see people who are better than you, it means you are on the rise; if you always see people who are not as good as you, it means you are on the decline. Instead of complaining, it is better to think about change.


Our fatigue is usually not due to the work itself, but to worry, tension and unhappiness.


True wisdom is knowing how to restrain your own light.

Avoid stabbing others and making enemies;

It's not about telling others how smart you are.

Instead, wisdom and confidence bloom inadvertently.

If you can control yourself, you can control your life.

So take it slow, low-key and elegant.


If a person must prove himself through external evaluation, it only means that his heart is not strong enough. Only when he no longer needs to rely on the judgment of the outside world and can prove himself, his heart is truly strong. Only a person with a strong heart can be truly fearless. Only with a strong heart can we be calm in life, not be surprised by praise or criticism, and no matter how many temptations and setbacks there are in the outside world, we will not be distracted and still stick to the firmness in our hearts. Women especially need to be strong in their hearts.


It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.

What makes you happy or unhappy is not what you have, who you are, where you are or what you are doing, but what you think about it.


The reason why people suffer is that they pursue the wrong things and regard simple things as complicated and serious; the reason why people are depressed is that their hearts are filled with many impurities, and not only do they not clean them out, but they keep filling up, making it hard to breathe; the reason why people are dull is that they cannot hear the voices of others and always think they are the smartest people in the world.








能接受既成事实,这是克服随之而来的任何不幸的第一步。 能接受最坏的情况,就能在心理上让你发挥出新的能力。 忧虑最大的坏处就是摧毁我们集中精神的能力,一旦忧虑产生,我们的思想就会到处乱转,从而丧失做出决定的能力。 如果你有担忧的问题,做到下面三件事: 1。问你自己:可能发生的最坏的情况是什么? 2。如果你必须接受的话,就准备接受它。 3。然后镇定地想办法改善最坏的情况。
































如果你被人批评,那是因为批评你能给他一种满足感。这也说明你是有成就的,而且引人注意。 小人常为伟人的缺点或过失而得意。 不合理的批评往往是一种掩饰了的赞美。


扩大交际范围 培养自己的好奇心:不感兴趣的也要去,不管男性和女性都要兴致勃勃地活动。只有这样才能让人感受你的魅力,并让人感受快乐的气氛。 不要让性格差异成为障碍:社交与选择朋友不完全是一回事。在社交过程中,不要用选择朋友甚至是知心朋友的条件来作标准,凡是志趣不符、性格不合的人一概拒之门外。在社交圈中认识的新朋友应是与你有较大差别的人才好。


“不甘平庸,崇尚奋斗” 生命的价值是需要用努力奋斗来实现的,从踏入这个世界开始我们就被赋予了一种无形的责任,或轻或重,演绎了不同的人生。 每一个人都有属于自己的生命轨迹,我们在一旁观看,观看他人的欢喜或忧愁。一辈子就那么长,我们不能沉浸在他人的缤纷的舞台上,我们还有自己的舞台需要用心去演绎。“自强不息,厚德载物”,我崇尚这种宏广的精神境界。














有两个人从铁窗朝外望去,一个人看到的是满地的泥泞,另一个却看到满天的繁星。 真正的快乐不见得是愉悦的,它多半是一种胜利。 人生最重要的不是以你的所得投资,任何人都可以这样做。真正重要的是如何从损失中获利。这才需要智慧,才能显示出人的上智下愚。 人具有一种反败为胜的力量。 尼采:优秀杰出的人不仅能忍人所不能忍,并且乐于进行这种挑战。 我们最大的弱点,也许会给我们提供一种出乎意料的助力。




成熟的人会适度地忍耐自己,正如他适度地忍耐别人一样。他不会因自己的一些弱点而感到活得很痛苦。 不喜欢自己的人,表现在外的症状之一便是过度自我挑剔。 独处对我们的心灵运动十分有益,就好像新鲜空气对我们的身体极有帮助一样。 适当程度的自爱对每一个正常人来说,都是健康的表现。




















你所认为的,并非真正的你;反倒是你怎么想,你就是什么样的人。 行动似乎跟着感觉走,其实行动与感觉是并行的,如果意志控制行动,也就能间接控制感觉。 只要将一个人内心的态度由恐惧转为奋斗,就能克服任何障碍。 你认为我宣扬的是天真的乐观主义吗?不,人生还不至于那么单纯。我倒是真的想提倡以积极的态度代替消极的态度。换句话说,我们应该关心自己的问题,而非担忧。














我们必须信仰某些事物。但是,假如我们没有就此信仰去采取行动,一切仍然无用。只有信心而没有作为,是无济于事的。 人不是因为没有信心而跌倒,而是因为不能把信念化成行动,并且不顾一切地坚持到底。 当然,仅有信仰并不足以使我们成熟。信仰的好处是能增强勇气,使我们在接受考验的时候,不至于临阵退却。除非我们以信仰做基础,然后付诸行动,否则任何道理原则都没有什么用处。 只有行为才算数。


























In the chaos of modern cities, only those who can maintain inner peace will not become crazy.


Only stupid people criticize, blame and complain about others, but if you want to forgive and understand others, you need to work on your character and self-control.


From the day you came into this world, every action you take is for yourself and because you need something.


It is human nature to forget to be grateful. If we always expect others to be grateful, we are mostly asking for trouble. We complain every day that others will not be grateful. Who should we blame? This is human nature. They long to be loved, but the only way to truly receive love in this world is not to ask for it. On the contrary, they have to give without asking for anything in return. The joy of giving without asking for anything in return is the greatest joy they get. The only way to seek happiness is not to expect others to be grateful. Giving is a kind of joy of enjoying giving.


It is an undeniable fact that everyone you meet feels that they are better than you in some way. Subtly acknowledging the importance of the other person and expressing it sincerely will earn you his friendship.


The beauty of life,

It is because your courage will make you a more beautiful person.




"Yes, that's harsh words. But remember, no one ever kicks a dead dog."


What hurts a person is not the event itself, but his perception of the event.


The best doctor in the world is eating in moderation and keeping a peaceful and cheerful mood. There are two main goals in life. First, to have what you desire; second, to enjoy it. Only a wise man can do the second point. Think of the blessings you have from God, and you will no longer have worries. Schopenhauer: We rarely think about what we have, but always think about what we don’t have. This tendency is really one of the most unfortunate things in the world. The disasters it brings are probably greater than all the war diseases. It is a treasure that can see the best side of everything and develop a habit.


If there is a secret to success, it is to understand the position of others and to be able to take both your own and others' positions into account.


Happy love is built on a solid material foundation.

Only when you are good enough will a good man love you.

The best way to love someone is to manage yourself well.

Give each other a high-quality lover.


Browning said: "When a person has the spirit of starting with himself and conquering himself, he is an extraordinary person."


Choose your favorite friends.

Be honest and you will be happy because you are loved;

Choose the lifestyle you like.

Follow your own rhythm, and you will live calmly and authentically;

Choose the lover you truly love.

Being with him, you can live a prosperous life even in ordinary days.


Men do not die from overwork, but from waste and worry.


The secret of success is: "I don't say bad things about anyone! Instead, I say good things about everyone I know!" Just like what the Youth League Committee teacher said last time, when people can't see you, you should talk about your strengths, not your weaknesses. It's human nature not to say bad things in front of people, but it's also valuable not to say bad things behind their backs. Remember this! Many mentally ill people have found a sense of self-esteem that they can't get in the real world in their madness. Generally speaking, mentally ill people seem to be happier than you and me. Since many people are happy with madness, why don't they do this? They have solved their problems...


In everyone's growth process,

You will see different scenery.

Experience different kinds of joy, anger, sorrow, love, hate and emotions.

That's life.

No matter what you go through,

Please always maintain a pious, bright and tolerant heart.


For those who like to avoid responsibility, difficulties become the best shield. If everyone thinks that the environment is bad all day long, they will naturally blame their mistakes on "defects" or various other reasons. People with mature minds will not get stuck in their own difficulties, but will bravely face them, accept them, and then find ways to overcome and solve them. They will not beg for mercy, despair, or find excuses to escape. Immature people can always regard their uniqueness as defects and obstacles, and then expect to be treated specially.


If you are passionate about something, you will succeed.


Be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves! " I am not a rude person who interrupts others casually, but I am not good enough at listening to others! When I was a child, I was an extremely introverted person. I didn't dare to speak in front of others. When I had to speak, I blushed and stammered. But I had the habit of reading, and I realized that I had to overcome my character defects and change myself. After some efforts, I gradually became bolder.


Ordinary people often get angry when others criticize them, but wise people try to learn from them. Instead of waiting for enemies to attack us or our work, we should do it ourselves. The enemy's view of us may be closer to the truth than our own. Everyone is not smart enough for at least 5 minutes a day, and wisdom also feels powerless. Do you think you can only learn from people who like you, admire you, and agree with you? Can't you learn more from those who oppose you and criticize you? The enemy's view of us may be closer to the truth than our own.


Mediocre people get their greatest pleasure from the mistakes and follies of great men.


Love is mutual fulfillment.

Love is you facing the southern hemisphere,

I face the northern hemisphere.

We share our experiences with each other.

Two people together make a world.


Usually, when people speak gentle words, their actions will naturally reflect a gentle attitude, and the power of a peaceful heart will be born.


If we inspire the people we come into contact with and make them aware of their own hidden power, we shall not only change their will but also their destiny.


The only way to success is to think carefully. There is no shortcut.


You will never get into trouble by admitting you are wrong. Only in this way can you calm down the argument and lead the other party to be as fair and generous as you are, and even admit that he may be wrong. Don't confront customers, spouses, or enemies. Don't accuse them of their mistakes, don't make them angry, and if you must confront people, use some skills. When you teach people, act as if nothing happened. Things should be brought up unconsciously, as if they were forgotten.


People have only one life, so all the good and kindness that can be contributed should be done now. Don't delay or be negligent, because you only live once.


To express oneself is the most important need of human nature.


People's inner sense of happiness comes from being content with what they have and being grateful and satisfied with their existing life conditions.


Resting does not mean doing nothing. In fact, rest is a way to compensate for certain losses in the body.


When dealing with people, we should remember that we are not dealing with people who are dealing with theories, but people who are dealing with people who are dealing with emotions.


We feel tired because our emotions put stress on our bodies.


If you want to be a good conversationalist, start by being a good listener.


Tomorrow you want to persuade someone to do something. Before you open your mouth, you might as well ask yourself: How can I make him do this?


The most critical person, the fiercest critic, often softens in front of a patient, sympathetic listener.


Don't look to the distant future, our most urgent task is to deal with the things in front of us.


Whether a person's career is successful or not depends entirely on whether he is interested in this career, not on whether he opens the door to success through hard work.


Happiness does not depend on external factors, but on your inner state.


Remembering people's names and calling them out easily is a subtle and effective way to give them a compliment.


For a full ten years I was a prisoner. Not in a regular prison, but in a prison where anxiety about one's own poor walls and fear of criticism were the cells.


Happiness is contagious, and only by making others happy can you make yourself happy.


Criticism does not bring change, but resentment.


If people are dissatisfied and have a bad impression of you, it will be difficult to convince them even if you use all your Christian theories. Think of those blaming parents, overbearing bosses, and nagging wives. We should all realize that people's minds are not easy to change. You can't force them to agree with you, but you can definitely guide them as long as you are gentle and kind. If you want to win people's hearts, you must first make them believe that you are the most sincere friend. A drop of honey attracts more flies than a gallon of bile. A gentle, friendly and appreciative attitude is also more likely to teach people to change their minds, which is difficult to achieve with roaring and fierce attacks...


Many lonely people are like this because they don't understand that love and friendship are not gifts that fall from the sky. If a person wants to be welcomed or accepted by others, he must pay a lot of efforts and costs. If we want to overcome loneliness, we must stay away from the shadow of self-pity and bravely walk into the crowd full of light. We must get to know people and make new friends. Happiness does not depend on others to give it, but on winning the needs and love of others for you.


Actions are generated by our basic desires.





























要想成为真正的“人”,必须先是个不盲从因袭的人。你心灵的完整性是不可侵犯的。 年轻人或涉世未深的人,常常会害怕自己与众不同,无论是穿着、行动、言谈或思考模式,都尽量与自己所属的圈子认同。 当我们身处不熟悉的环境,又没有过往的经验可以参考的时候,最好的方法便是顺应一般人的标准——直到我们自己的经验和信心足以给我们力量,然后才能照着自己的信念和标准去做。 时间会让我们归结出一套属于自己的价值体系...






如果你“假装”对工作感兴趣,这种态度往往会使你的兴趣弄假成真。这种态度还能减少疲劳、紧张和忧虑。 除了身体的运动,我们更需要的是精神、心智上的运动,以便促使我们付诸行动。 每天时时跟自己交谈,可以引导自己思考什么是勇气和幸福,什么是平安和力量;每天跟自己谈些需要感谢的事,这样,你的心灵就会海阔天空,快乐欢畅。 去假装,或者怎样。从中体会到其中的趣味才是关键。












比自身生命更高贵的奉献精神,会带来真正的成功与快乐,会带来更多朋友 .












要想摆脱不幸的阴影,最好的一种方法便是提升我们自己去帮助别人。 不幸遭遇并非就是世界末日。有时候,它还是促使我们采取行动的催化剂,对改善状况大有必要。 生命并不是一帆风顺的幸福之旅,而是时时摆动在幸与不幸、沉与浮、光明与黑暗之间的模式里。我们不能像鸵鸟一样把头埋在沙堆里面,拒绝面对各种困难,而麻烦也不会因此获得解决。苦难是人类生活的一部分,只有实实在在地去面对,才是成熟的表现。






对别人好不是一种责任,它是一种享受,因为它能增进你的健康与快乐,你对别人好的时候,也就是对自己最好的时候。 一个人想得到人生快乐,就不能只想到自己,而应为他人着想,因为快乐来自于你为别人,别人为你。










每个人的生活遭遇都是独一无二的。尽管构成人体的基本因素相同,但我们每个人的生命都很奇妙地自成一格,绝不与人雷同。 心灵的成熟过程,是持续不断的自我发现、自我探寻的过程。除非我们先了解自己,否则我们很难去了解别人。 兴奋的品质是我们工作能否成功的极重要因素,因为情绪的动力是促成我们向前进的力量。 三点建议: 1 每天抽出时间独处,以进一步认识自己; 2 要打破习惯的束缚/努力破除束缚自我的种种..






听别人数说我们的错误很难,但假如对方谦卑地自称他们也并非完美,我们就比较容易接受了。 承认一个人本身的错误,就算你还没有改正过来,也可以帮助改善行为。 在指责别人之前,先想想自己的错误。






我们的疲劳往往不是由工作引起,而是由于忧烦、挫折和不满等。 情绪上的态度比生理上的操劳更易使人产生疲倦。 能够做自己喜欢做的事,这种人是幸运的。
















对别人的意见要表示尊重。 千万别说:“你错了。”











究竟出了什么问题? 问题的起因是什么? 你能找到哪些解决办法? 你决定用哪种方法? 我也学习到不对别人期望过高,因此,我仍能从那些对我不坦白的朋友或说闲话的朋友处得到快乐。毕竟我已培养出一种幽默感,一位遇到烦恼,能够以开玩笑代替歇斯底里的女人,已经坚强到刀枪不入了。我一点也不为自己受过的苦感到遗憾,因为我在痛苦中,真正体会到人生的意义。这绝对是值得的。




























Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.


































































































乐观的人 在每一个忧患中看到机会 悲观的人 在每一个机会中看到忧患 所以 即使生活欺骗了你 也不要忧郁 不要愤慨 用心憧憬着未来 虽然现实有时令人失望 然而一切都是暂时的 转瞬即逝 而那逝去的都将变为收获































我发现运动是克服忧虑的最佳方法。当你烦恼时,多用肌肉,少伤脑筋,结果会出人意料的好。对我来说 当我运动时,也正是烦恼离我而去时。





























































































































































































你快乐还是不快乐,与你拥有什么、你是谁、你在哪、以及你在做什么都没有直接的关系,它只与你在想什么有关 。


























If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.




















































2、我们必须感受他人的感受, 我们必须了解伤害到他人也会伤害我们自己。如果我们打算将真诚带入与他人的关系中,我们就必须获得这种真诚的感情。








Adaptability is a weapon to solve difficulties in life. It is more valuable than book knowledge.
























































f you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.





Socrates' viewpoints and handling skills are now known as the "Socratic debate method", which is to make others say "yes" from the beginning. The questions he raised could always gain the agreement of opponents, and after getting "yes" one after another, he could make the other party unconsciously give up the original point of view and accept his suggestions.


Develop good work habits

⑴The first good work habit: take away everything that is not related to your current work. Then you will find that your work is much easier to handle and you will have a better idea of ​​what to do.

⑵The second good work habit: being able to distinguish the importance of things and arrange the order of work.

⑶The third good work habit: If you have to make a decision when you encounter a problem, do it immediately and don’t procrastinate.

⑷The fourth good work habit: learn how to organize, divide responsibilities and supervise.


If you tell your children, spouse, or subordinates that they lack talent in some area, you have made a big mistake, as this will make them lose their enthusiasm for learning. On the contrary, if you are more generous, give them sufficient encouragement, and let them believe that they can do well and have great potential, they will continue to work hard and make continuous progress.


I feel healthy, I feel happy, and I feel like I am making a difference!


The only effective way to make a person do anything willingly is to satisfy their needs.


I only wish you were gentle and powerful


We should be modest, for neither you nor I have achieved much. We are all mere passers-by, and a century from now we will be totally forgotten. Life is too short to bore others with our own little achievements, but let us encourage others to talk more.


Try to work in a comfortable position. Remember, physical tension can create shoulder pain and mental fatigue.


It is a shame to die in great wealth.


In the spring of 1871 Sir William Osler saw the words that made him a famous physician: "It is above all things to look not at what is vague in the distance, but to do what is clear at hand."


Owen Young never said "Do this or that" or "Don't do this, don't do that." He always said, "You can consider this," or "Do you think it's okay to do this?" After dictating a letter, he often said, "What do you think of this letter?" When checking a letter written by an assistant, he always said, "Maybe we can change this sentence to this, it will be better." He always gave people the opportunity to do it themselves; he never told his assistants how to do things; he let them do it themselves and let them learn from their mistakes and successful experiences. This method makes it easy for people to correct their mistakes, and maintains people's self-esteem, makes them think they are important, and makes them want to cooperate with you instead of resisting you.


The most important thing in life is not to use success as capital, even a fool would do that. What is important is to rise from failure and benefit from it, which requires wisdom and intelligence, and is the difference between a wise man and a fool.


When you feel intimidated, ask yourself, "If they succeeded, why can't I?"


Harvard psychologist and philosopher William James explains the two approaches this way:

Behavior should follow emotions, but in fact, behavior and emotions are unified. Behavior is more directly controlled by our will, while emotions are not. Therefore, we can indirectly adjust our emotions by adjusting our behavior.


Adler, a famous psychologist in Vienna, once wrote in his book “The Meaning of Life to You”: “A person who does not care about others and is not interested in others will suffer great obstacles and difficulties in his life, and will also bring great harm and distress to others. All human failures are caused by such people.”


If you don’t know what you want, how can destiny give you what you want?


Live a complete and independent today.


Smile and face everything


We pay attention to the nutrition of our children, our families, and our employees, and care about their health, but forget that self-esteem also needs nutrition and care; we roast beef and potatoes to provide nourishment for others, but refuse to provide spiritual food, never realizing that words of praise will shine like the morning star in their memory.


Those who cannot get angry are fools, and those who do not get angry are wise.


The second principle of success

Act when the opportunity arises


Criticism will not change the facts, but will instead cause resentment.


I would tell myself over and over again: "Listen, as long as you can eat, walk, and not suffer from illness, you are the happiest person in the world. No matter what happens, don't forget this! Don't forget!"


Interpersonal relationships are the communication between people. It is a modern way to express the golden rule in the Bible: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


It is certainly dangerous for a ship to sail in rough waves, but as long as the helmsman is good at dealing with it, it is possible to turn danger into safety, cross the ocean and reach the other side safely. The same is true for a young person's employment. You are surrounded by difficulties on all sides. You have to deal with them calmly. Once you break through the layers of obstacles, you will find your way to success. You must know that God will never disappoint the ambitions of those who are determined to make progress, unless you are afraid of difficulties and live in complacency, and have no perseverance to deal with them, then you will fail.


You cannot control your birth, nor can you choose your physical defects, but you can completely make your life unaffected by these unfavorable factors, and with tenacious will and unremitting efforts, you can find your own road to success.


The Germans have a saying: "The purest joy is the joy we get from other people's difficulties."


Ambition and passion are the wings of great achievements


If you are attacked by someone maliciously, remember that they are doing it to gain a sense of self-importance, which usually means that you have achieved something and deserve attention. Many people get a sense of satisfaction from scolding people who are far better than they are in every way. Please regard unfair criticism from others as another form of recognition.


Neither of us has the right to be depressed! Because I have no shoes, and he has no feet. As long as I am alive, I have the right to say, I have no right to be depressed.


The world is never short of opportunities, but it lacks people who can seize them.


A sage from the East once said: "An angry person is full of poison."


We must acknowledge the fact that the people we want to criticize and curse, regardless of whether they are wrong or not, will insist on arguing, find excuses for their actions, or even retaliate with bad words.


Carnegie said, "Discover yourself. You are you. There is no one like you on earth... In this world, you are a unique existence. You can only sing in your own way, you can only paint in your own way. You are what your admirers, your environment, and your genetics have made you. For better or worse, you can only cultivate your own little garden; for better or worse, you can only play your own notes in the music of life.


  1. Try not to write a speech before giving it, otherwise you will easily fall into the trap of memorizing the speech. However, practice before the speech is very necessary.

  2. Preparation is required before a speech. Only by fully preparing and thinking about the topic of the speech can you speak freely on the topic.

  3. When you express your opinions clearly, you should develop the habit of expressing things clearly.

  4. Improve your speech style and personality. Don’t imitate others. Don’t try to learn others’ elegant movements. Be yourself and be a speaker with personality.

  5. Read more, think more, and practice more.


Overcoming the fear of avoidance can be achieved by forcing yourself to do the thing you fear


The only way to influence someone in the world is to discuss what he wants and tell him how to get it.


Pointless arguments not only damage your character, but also make you lose your self-control.


If you want others to change their minds and agree with your point of view, you might as well stimulate her noble motives and put a "hat" on her.


Napoleon and Helen Keller are both excellent examples of Milton's poetry. Napoleon had all the honor, power and wealth that the world desires, but he said this in St. Helena: "I can't count more than six happy days in my life." And Helen Keller, although blind and deaf, unable to speak like a normal person, concluded: "I find life so beautiful."


Williams, a famous professor at Harvard University and the most prestigious psychologist and philosopher in the United States, once said: "Compared with what we should have accomplished, we are only half awake, and we are only using a small part of our potential. That is to say, everyone should live like this, far within his due limit. We have all kinds of power, but we are often not used."


There is a saying in the world that "time is money", so thieves who steal other people's time should certainly be punished, and even those pleasant and good people should still avoid them as if they were a taboo disease.


It is best to forget your troubles while taking a walk. You might as well go out and try it. All your troubles will fly away as if they have wings.


Anyone who seeks a sense of self-respect in the real world in a crazy fantasy but cannot get it is likely to go crazy.


As time goes by, everyone is bound to encounter unpleasant things. If they are already like this, they can't be changed into other ways.


If you want to change others and make them willing to accept your advice, you should remember these principles:

a. Your suggestions must be sincere, and don't make promises that you can't keep. Don't just think about your own interests, pay attention to the interests of others.

b. Be clear about what you want the other party to do and what results you will achieve.

c. Understand other people's feelings. Think about things from other people's perspectives and think about what they really need.

d. Think about what benefits your suggestions can bring to others.

e. Connect what the other party needs to do with the benefits they can obtain.

f. When you make a request, write down the benefits it will bring to the other party.


Rather than waiting for others to criticize you or your work, you should recognize your own weaknesses first. We can be our own worst critics, and we should know ourselves, recognize and deal with our weaknesses before others catch them.


Frost dyes your black hair; when time flies, it is too late to regret!


Insincere flattery is like counterfeit money. Once used, it will bring trouble.


Galileo also said this: “You can’t teach people to do anything. You can only help and guide them to discover things for themselves.”


Someone who truly likes others can make more friends in two months than someone who tries hard to be liked by others can in two years.


If you want to make enemies, make them stronger than your friends; but if you want to make friends, make your friends stronger than you.


Professor Philip said: "If you want others to be interested in your topic, then you should take the initiative to talk about the topic that he is interested in."


Always avoid confronting others.


Criticism does not produce any results because it puts the other person into defense mode and they try to defend themselves. Criticism is also dangerous because it hurts a person's self-esteem and sense of self-worth and makes them hold grudges.


There is a great "induction" force between the mind and the heart. Although this "induction" force cannot be measured, its stimulating power, its destructive and constructive power are very huge. If you often mix with people who are inferior to you, they will definitely drag you down and lower your ambitions and ideals.


Learn to like yourself.


The famous scholar Elliott said: "There is no mystery in successful business dealings - listening attentively is the most important thing. No other method will make people happier than this."


Only 15% of a person's career success depends on his professional skills, and the other 85% depends on his professional skills.


Only 15% of a person's success is attributed to his professional knowledge, and the other 85% is attributed to his ability to express ideas, lead others and arouse others' enthusiasm.


If you act "as if" you are interested in your work, that little bit of expression will make your interest real and will reduce your fatigue, your tension, and your anxiety.


I believe that our inner peace and the happiness we get in life do not depend on where we are, what we have, or who we are, but only on the state of our mind. Here, external factors have little to do with it. No one and nothing can bring you peace except yourself.


Have I ever suggested that we should give in to all the disasters that come our way? Never! That is fatalism. As long as there is a slight chance that we can save the situation, we must fight.


Believe you will be successful and you will.


Why do we think that having a secure and comfortable life, without any troubles, comfort and leisure, can make people good or happy? On the contrary, those who feel sorry for themselves will continue to feel sorry for themselves, even when they are lying comfortably on a big cushion.


The famous philosopher John Dewey said: "The deepest impulse of human nature is the desire to be important." (American philosopher, educator, pragmatist)


The famous psychologist Freud once said: "Everything we do stems from two motivations: the desire for sex and the desire for success."


The secret recipe for cooking "success" is to put "ambition" into the pot of "effort", simmer it over a low fire of "perseverance", and add "judgment" as seasoning.


There is a saying that those who cannot get angry are fools, and those who do not get angry are wise.


Human nature: After doing something wrong, we never reflect on ourselves or blame ourselves, but instead blame others for the mistakes.


Any fool can condemn, criticize, and complain about others - and most fools do just that. But a truly wise person needs the self-control and character to understand and forgive others.


Franklin said: "If you debate and refute, you may win, but the victory is short-lived and empty... You will never win the other party's favor."


There is only one way to achieve the greatest victory in a debate, and that is to avoid debate as much as possible.


Remember this rule: always make others feel important.

As John Dewey said, "The desire to be appreciated is the most urgent need of human nature." Dr. James also said, "The deepest essence of human nature is the desire to be appreciated."


A taste of pain isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm glad I once had the hardest job in the world, which makes all the problems I encounter seem insignificant.


Never open your mouth and say, "I'm going to prove it to you." It's even worse. It's the same as saying, "I'm smarter than you, and I can provide one or two facts to prove you wrong." This is equivalent to a challenge in public, which will not only fail to solve the problem, but will cause the other party to be disgusted.


If you feel like you can't smile, what can you do? You can try doing two things: first, force yourself to smile; second, when you are alone, force yourself to whistle or sing a song, as if you are happy to do these things. Then you can really make yourself happy.


We are our own harshest critics, and we should recognize and deal with our weaknesses before others catch them.


If a person humbly admits at the beginning that he may make mistakes and is not infallible, then others may not find it hard to hear him judge his own mistakes.


I have found that the best antidote to worry is exercise. When you are worried, use your muscles more and your brain less. You will be surprised at the effect.


We must not forget that if we want our children to be grateful, we ourselves must set an example. All our words and actions are becoming increasingly important, and we must never discredit the kindness of others in front of our children.


Kaoru Saito, a well-known Japanese female psychologist, said it well: "I think cosmetics are not just something you put on your skin, but something you put on your spirit. We often say that people feel better after using cosmetics, but in fact, it also alleviates women's mental pain from a deeper level."


Johnson once said: "To form the habit of seeing the best in everything is a priceless treasure."


Lincoln once said: "Most people get as much happiness as they choose to have."


The famous doctor said: "All these diseases are like relatives. They are interrelated and affect each other. The source is worry."


If you want to be a person who is talkative and popular, you need to listen to other people's conversations, ask questions that others like to answer, and encourage them to talk about themselves and their achievements.


He told me that when he was young, he was extremely eager to be popular and impress everyone. At that time, any criticism would hurt him. But the subsequent 30 years of naval career made him tough. He said: "At that time, I was beaten and scolded, falsely accused of being a mean and sinister jerk, cursed by veterans, and all the insulting swear words in the English language were used on me. You ask if it affected me? Ha! When I heard someone scolding me, I didn't even bother to turn my head back!"


Don't be afraid to sell yourself if you think you have talent.


I will walk this path of life; once I walk this path, I will never be able to do it again. I will do all the good deeds within my power, and if there is goodwill in my heart, I will do it without hesitation. I will never delay again, never be indifferent again, because this path of life can never be repeated.


If you can be humble and tolerant on the road of life, you will have a broad mind and can eliminate all difficulties and resolve all disputes.


If we want to make friends, we must first do something for others - things that require time, energy, consideration and dedication.


If we want to make friends, we must first do something for others - things that require time, physical strength, consideration and dedication.


Lincoln once said: "A person who achieves great things should not argue with others and waste his time arguing with others. Pointless arguments will not only damage your temperament, but also make you lose self-control. You might as well be more humble to others. Instead of competing with a dog for the road, it is better to let the dog go first. If you are bitten by a dog, even if you kill the dog, it will not heal your wound."


Seward suggested a small change in wording; a few minutes later, he suggested a second change in wording. Lincoln asked Seward why he hadn't made both suggestions at the same time. Then he interrupted the discussion to tell a story: Back home in Indiana, a farmhand told the farmer that a steer had died. A moment later, the farmhand said another steer had died, too. "Why didn't you tell me both were dead?" the farmer asked. "Well," the farmhand replied, "I didn't want to upset you by telling you too many things at once."


Leave some sparks of friendly appreciation on your daily journey, so that when you pass by next time, you will find the fire of friendship warming you everywhere.


In Professor Overstead's book "Influencing Human Behavior", there is a passage: "In fact, desires control our actions... Whether in the family, school, business, or politics, the best advice I can give to those who want to persuade others is to first understand the other party's urgent wishes. If you do this, you will be able to succeed. Otherwise, you will accomplish nothing."


Smile is rest for the tired, hope for the depressed, sunshine for the sad, and the best medicine given by nature to mankind.


You are the only one who can make yourself happy. Remember, don't regret it. You have to believe that you are unique in this world, so just stay yourself.


When students find that they can control the audience's attention, receive praise from the teacher and win applause from the class, they will gradually develop a sense of inner power, enhance their own courage and inner achievements, a feeling they have never experienced before. With this feeling, they begin to try things that they never dreamed possible, and find themselves eager to speak in front of the public. These people often become active players in business and other fields.


Jesus said: Although we cannot treat our enemies in a friendly way, at least we should treat ourselves well. Our mood, body and appearance should not be controlled by the enemy. When our hearts are full of hatred, we give the enemy greater power to overwhelm us and give him the opportunity to control our appetite, blood pressure, sleep and health, and even mood. If the enemy knew that it would bring so much trouble to him, he would be very proud, because hatred can't hurt the other party, but it can send you to hell.


Successful performance comes from a belief, sticking to the belief, and taking action


"Few people can resist the compliment that comes from attentive listening." The famous writer Woodford wrote this in his book "Falling in Love with Strangers".


Don't let the little things upset us, we should despise them. Remember "Life is too short to waste time on the little things."


Truly wise and great people will never focus only on their own achievements in a certain area. They know how to consider other people's face and respect others.


You are a new thing in this world and you should be grateful for that and make the best use of what nature has given you.


Read history and try to expand your vision to a thousand years ago - from the perspective of eternity, you will find how insignificant "your" troubles are.


People have long realized that since they can't avoid unfair criticism, they can at least do something more important: decide whether to accept it.


Enthusiasm comes from the heart, it is neither pretentious nor pure acting, it comes from your strong interest in the work and the passion from the bottom of your heart. Enthusiasm refers to a kind of passionate spiritual substance, which comes from the heart and goes deep into the heart... It is a kind of "restrained excitement".


If the medicine is not available in the pharmacy, the individual has to make his own medicine. If he thinks he can't do it himself, he is wrong.


It is human nature to forget to be grateful. If we always expect others to be grateful, we are asking for trouble.


Alexander Pope put it simply: "Teach by subtlety, and let what he does not know be forgotten."


There is no experience involved in success; I just do my best at my job.


Arguing, complaining and arguing may bring temporary victory, but you can never win the respect of others through this superficial victory.

Maybe you are always right, maybe you can always refute others, but what's the point. No matter you win or lose, you can't change other people's minds.


If we are mean and selfish, and don't get anything from others, we are unwilling to share a little happiness with others. If our tolerance is smaller than a sour apple, then we are doomed to fail.


Almost all worries and sorrows come from people's imagination, not reality.


Don't judge others, and others will not judge you.


Pay attention to the seemingly small things.


There is only one moment, and I only live it once


See who can first arouse the other's eager desire. Those who can do this will rule the world. Those who can't will end up alone.


Everyone comes to this world naked, following their own life path and pursuing their inner dreams. Life is fragile and small, but the power of life is also extremely strong, just like a seed, as long as it wants to sprout, it can go through the darkness and tenaciously find the sun. Indifference and indifference to success may make a person's life journey dull, but the inner passion and desire for dreams can also make a person's life colorful.


99% of the things people worry about never happen, so why should we get upset and worry about things that never happen? Isn't that stupid?


Where your interests lie, your abilities lie as well.


Is it silly, superficial, and childish to cheer yourself up every morning? No, it is very important psychologically.


Being able to do something for others within your ability is not a responsibility but a joy, as the saying goes, "giving roses to others leaves a lingering fragrance on your hands." Thinking more about others can not only increase your own health and happiness, but also make you no longer worry about yourself, and help you make many friends.


Franklin once said: If you always argue and debate, you may win occasionally, but this victory is empty, because it will greatly reduce your good impression in the eyes of others. So you have to think about it carefully. Do you want the kind of victory in words, or do you want others to have a good impression of you from the bottom of their hearts?


Successful people also experience failures, but if a person always looks back and only sees failures, he will stagnate. No matter who you are, it is very important to aim forward, shape your own brilliance, and have a good image. People who have failed in speaking can only overcome failure and become eloquent if they get rid of the shadow of past failures and forget their past selves.


Disraeli said: "Life is too short to worry about the little things."


Make good use of your talents. In the final analysis, all art is a manifestation of self. You can only sing your own songs and paint your own paintings. Your experiences and environment have inherited and shaped you. Whether good or bad, you just need to manage your own little garden well; whether good or bad, you just need to play your own instrument in the orchestra of life.


If we have accepted the worst, we have nothing to lose.


People-oriented. Don't open a shop without laughter.


Regarding the definition of compliment, I once read this sentence: "Compliments to others are just a euphemism for praising yourself."

Emerson said, "Whatever words you use, what you say is ultimately a reflection of yourself."


I often remind myself: "This matter is only worth worrying about a little bit, no more."


We can avoid arguments like this:

⑴ First, listen. Give the other person a chance to fully express his or her opinion and let him or her express his or her meaning completely. At this time, you should listen carefully in order to enhance mutual communication and understanding.

⑵ Find common ground. After listening to the other person's narration, first look for areas where you and he have similar or similar opinions.

⑶ Agree to seriously consider different opinions. You should sincerely admit that the other party's point of view is correct. Therefore, it is a smarter approach to agree to consider his opinion.

⑷ Thank those who hold different opinions for their concern. Different opinions arise because we care about the same thing. Be willing to accept different opinions, and perhaps the other party will become your friend.

⑸ Don’t rush into action, give both parties time. Stop appropriately and think more carefully about the existing problems before holding the talks.

⑹Ask yourself: If I remain silent, will the anger disappear? Is this problem an opportunity for me?


Just smile at unfair criticism.


Evildoers blame everyone and never repent.


Even if you run away, you must bear the consequences of running away. People with mature minds will bravely face and accept difficulties and find ways to take action to solve them. They will not beg for mercy, despair, or find excuses to escape. Immature people will regard their differences as defects and obstacles, and then expect to be treated specially, which is useless.


Some people always make this mistake: they always tell their children, partners or employees that he (she) is extremely stupid in a certain thing, or has no talent in a certain aspect, and what he (she) does is completely wrong, etc. This behavior is wrong, because doing so will not only make him (her) lose his (her) ambition and motivation, but also make him (her) fall into disappointment.


You will never get satisfactory results by fighting, but you will get much more than expected by giving in.


Rest often and follow your heart's desire - rest before you feel tired, and you will have at least an extra hour each day of full energy.


Judge Joseph Shabashi of Chicago, who has arbitrated more than 40,000 unhappy marriages, said: "The reason why marriages are unhappy is often because of some small things that eventually lead to the breakdown of feelings."


The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.

The shortcut to a person's heart is to talk to him about what he values ​​most.


If you want to collect honey, don't kick over the beehive.


Caring about the self-esteem of others is precisely the most beautiful pleasure in life, which will always remain in people's hearts.


Instead of waiting for your opponent to attack you, it is better to correct your weaknesses yourself.


Do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. It is enough to deal with each day’s troubles.


Courage is the measure of the soul


Follow Heart

From the heart



Thomas Carlyle said: "A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats his lesser men."


If a person can confidently move towards his ideal direction and make up his mind to live the life he wants, he will surely achieve unexpected success.


If you are wrong, you must be brave enough to admit your mistakes first, so that others may be as tolerant and generous as you are, and think that he may be wrong. This is like punching someone, if you want to hit someone again, you must first retract the fist you have extended.


Many times, the truth is not in the hands of most people, so don't be afraid of being different or being treated as a fool by others. As long as you believe in your own ideas and are not influenced by the opinions of others, you can walk on the road to success through persistence at home.


Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed.

Most of us have far more courage than we ever dream of.


Plato once said: "The biggest mistake doctors make is that they only treat physical diseases but ignore mental diseases. In fact, the spirit and the body are one, how can they be separated!"


Once you have a strong belief, you should take action.

Only actions count


You can relax at any time and any place, just don't force yourself to relax. Relaxation means eliminating all tension and strength, and only thinking about comfort and relaxation. At the beginning, think about how to relax the muscles of your eyes and face, and keep saying: "Relax... relax... relax, and relax again." Make yourself feel completely free of tension, from the muscles of your face to all parts of your body, like a child.


(1) Give yourself time to be alone every day so that you can get to know yourself better;

(2) Breaking free from the shackles of habit;

(3) Pursue it with passion and excitement.

The process of continuous self-discovery and self-exploration is also the process of spiritual maturity. Unless we understand ourselves first, it is difficult for us to understand others. According to Socrates, "knowing yourself" is the beginning of wisdom.


Whenever I start a new business, I always leave myself a way out. Military experts say that the first priority in combat is to keep the supply lines open. I think this principle also applies to the "battle" of life.


It is foolish to blame others because it is already very difficult to overcome one's own shortcomings.


When you lose your passion, you lose your soul


Respect other people's opinions and never accuse them of being wrong.


Letting others save face is a very important issue. However, this issue is often overlooked by us. We often like to put on airs, pick on others, criticize and blame others in front of others, but fail to put ourselves in others' shoes. If we do this, it is inevitable that we will hurt others.


French writer Tona de Saint-Sauvignon once said: "I have no right to do anything that would hurt someone's self-esteem. Hurting someone's self-esteem is a crime."


Passion for work is an inherent quality that everyone who desires success must possess.


Successful people are all bold and courageous. The word "fear" does not exist in their dictionary. They are confident that they can do everything and they think they are very valuable.


Happiness does not depend on any external conditions, but is determined by our mentality.


5 ways to get rid of misfortune, I hope everyone can remember it.

(1) Accept the inevitable and let time heal the pain;

(2) taking action to resist adversity;

(3) Focus on helping others;

(4) Make full use of your life while you are still alive.

(5) Count the blessings we have.


Criticism is useless, but it will increase people's resistance, and the criticized people will always try their best to defend themselves. Criticism itself is also dangerous because it will hurt a person's self-esteem and face, and will cause resentment from others.


Keep a lid on your tongue. Everyone has frustrating moments, and if we can't say something nice to others, we'd better not say anything at all.


Things to pay attention to or avoid during a speech:

  1. Be well prepared and don't use a script.

  2. First, try giving a trial lecture among people you know to observe their reactions.

  3. The content of the speech should be specific and clear.

  4. Focus on the key points and go into depth, and avoid introducing too many concepts.

  5. Talk about the problem, and don’t go back to it after you’re done.

  6. When giving a speech, it is best to use "we" instead of "you" to avoid giving people the feeling of preaching.

  7. If you want to be loved by the audience, it is best to maintain a modest and cautious attitude. Don't let the audience feel that the speaker thinks he is superior to others in intelligence or social status. When giving a speech, it is like putting yourself in a window display. Every aspect of your human nature is exposed. As long as you are a little boastful or showy, you are doomed to fail.

  8. Do not use professional terms as most of the audience will not understand them. If you do use them, explain them in detail.


The Art of Communicating with Your Boss

  • Take the initiative to communicate with leaders

  • Learn to make suggestions

  • Neither humble nor overbearing attitude

  • Treat criticism and correction correctly

  • Correct expression, short words, and clear expression of the main idea

  • Understand the degree of request

  • Never speak ill of other colleagues in front of your boss


"People who think only of themselves are hopeless and uneducated, no matter how educated they may be."


Don't talk about taboo topics in the workplace

  • Family property issues, vanity and comparison

  • Discussing salary issues

  • Comparison between companies

  • Don’t be too outspoken, such as when your abilities are underestimated or when you speak ill of others.

  • Talk about personal issues and life problems


The magic formula to banish depression:

a. Prepare for the worst

b. Bravely accept the worst fact

c. Calm down and find a way to save the situation


Give yourself some alone time every day, strive to break free from the shackles of bad habits, and experience the excitement and enthusiasm from the heart.


Treat others the way you want others to treat you.


Famous Chinese author Lin Yutang made the same point in his popular book The Art of Living when he said, “Mental peace comes from being able to accept difficult situations. They free the mind.”


Willy Carey's universal formula (When facing anxiety, we can adjust our mental state in three steps.)

⑴ You must clearly understand what the worst possible situation is?

⑵Therefore be prepared to meet it.

⑶Think calmly and find solutions to the problem.


Real reading awakens those who are sleepy and helps those who have not yet decided on a goal to choose an appropriate goal. Proper books guide people on the right path and prevent them from going astray.


One morning, they went to the laboratory classroom for class. There was a bottle of milk on the teacher's desk. When all the students sat down and looked at the milk, they didn't know what it had to do with the hygiene class. Suddenly, the teacher stood up, swept the bottle into the sink, and said loudly: "Don't cry over spilled milk."


Accepting the established facts is the first step to overcoming any misfortunes that follow. Accepting the worst case scenario will give you a strong psychological strength to face reality. The biggest disadvantage of worry is that it destroys our ability to concentrate. Once worry arises, our thoughts will wander around and we will lose the ability to make rational judgments.


Live in today’s grid.



  1. When you have nothing left to lose, that's when you start to gain.

  2. Add learning, subtract pride, multiply opportunities, and divide laziness.

  3. The ignorance of childhood is cute, the ignorance of youth is ridiculous, the ignorance of youth is pitiful, the ignorance of middle age is lamentable, and the ignorance of old age is sad.

  4. People allow a stranger to rise, but cannot tolerate the rise of someone close to them. Because there are comparisons and interests between people at the same level,

The conflict is with Yu Dan's summary of human nature, but there is no such topic with Stranger.

  1. When a woman likes a man, she wants to hear lies; when a woman hates a man, she wants to hear the truth.

  2. If you lend too much money to someone, you will turn that person into a bad person.

  3. Modern marriage is a product of emotion, but also a crystallization of competition.

  4. Enemies become comrades mostly for survival, and comrades become enemies mostly for


If you have a lemon, squeeze some lemonade


About 90% of the things that life gives us are right, and only 10% are wrong. If we want to be happy, all we should do is to focus on the 90% and ignore the 10% that are wrong.


You should be thankful that you are unique in the world and should bring out your gifts. Experience, environment and heredity have shaped you. Whether it is good or bad, you have to cultivate your own garden; whether it is good or bad, you have to play the strings of life.


If you have anxiety, apply Willy Carey's universal formula and do these three things:

(1) Ask yourself: “What is the worst that could happen?”

(2) If you have to, be prepared for it.

(3) Calmly find ways to improve the worst situation.


Understanding can arouse sympathy, make people tolerant, and inspire people's kindness. "Understanding is tolerance."


Correct thinking can inspire creativity. So many things come from ideals and desires. All your sincere prayers will be fully fulfilled. Whatever we want to achieve, as long as we nurture this idea in our hearts, we will have such a harvest!


If we do something exciting and fun then we won't get bored.


Remember, the person you are talking to doesn't really care about you and your problems. His toothache is more upsetting to him than a few dozen aftershocks in Africa. So next time before you open your mouth, think about how the other person is feeling.


“Everyone is someone you can learn from. Whether you know them or not, everyone has something worth emulating. The most important thing is that you have to study their lives, actively learn from their experiences, and flexibly apply them in your own life; otherwise, it is easy to take a detour, or even run into a wall or fall.”


As long as you are not anxious, why do you have to sleep well?


The most effective way to influence others is to always care about their thoughts and try every means to meet their needs! When dealing with people, you should not consider what you want, but what others need!


Tips for communicating with colleagues

  • Praise your colleagues more and criticize them less

  • Correct your mindset and attitude

  • Learn to adjust the atmosphere and create humor appropriately

  • Listen more, talk less

  • Learn to say no tactfully

  • Pay attention to the taboos in conversation and don't open up to others casually


Only when you become mentally strong can you overcome external difficulties. Only a woman with a strong heart can be truly fearless.


What determines whether you are happy or unhappy is not

What do you have, or who you are, or where you are

It's not about what you are doing, but how you



He was Sir William Osler. The 24 words he saw in the spring of 1871 helped him live a carefree life. These 24 words were: "The most important thing is not to look at what is vague in the distance, but to do what is clear at hand." They were written by Thomas Carlyle.


You can relax at any time and in any place, but don't spend any effort to relax yourself. Relaxation means eliminating all tension and strength, and only thinking about comfort and relaxation. At the beginning, think about how to relax your eye muscles and facial muscles, and keep saying: "Relax... relax... relax, and relax again!" You should feel your physical strength from the facial muscles to the center of your body. Make yourself like a child, without any feeling of tension.


The best way to get into someone's heart is to talk to him about what he is most interested in.


If you have a worry problem, apply Willis Carell's amazing formula and do these three things: 1. Ask yourself: What is the worst that could happen? 2. Be prepared to accept it if you must. 3. Then think calmly and come up with ways to improve the worst-case scenario.


To cross the bridge, you must first go to the bridge side


  1. Related to the speaker’s personal experience (growth, difficulties in struggle, hobbies, expertise, unusual experiences)

  2. Choose something you are familiar with (the more you know about something, the more enthusiastic you will be), and arrange the content in an orderly manner. I think that you need to know more about good speech topics in order to accumulate knowledge and make a breakthrough.

  3. The content of the speech must be related to the audience themselves, their interests, and their problems. Only in this way can you win the audience's attention. The audience's reaction determines the success or failure of the speech.

  4. You can give a speech on the same topic many times, but you won't give the same speech twice. The audience has different knowledge levels and backgrounds, so you must make the audience feel that your speech is targeted and alive, and is specially prepared for them. Including many things that locals often talk about and things they are familiar with in the speech will have a better effect.


When dealing with others, we must remember that the people we interact with are not those who live purely according to reason or logic, but those who are full of emotions, prejudice, arrogance and vanity.


Please try to change "but" to "and"


A perfectionist is also a human being, so he will encounter failures like everyone else, but he cannot tolerate himself and overcome failures, and the result is that he can only hate himself.


(1) Regardless of any social occasion, humor will help you open the door to communication with others. (2) Cultivate an optimistic attitude towards life and a strong will, and motivate yourself with a brave and tenacious spirit. (3) Actively strengthen targeted psychological training to effectively overcome negative emotions such as tension and anxiety, improve psychological adaptability and balance, enhance confidence and courage, and overcome fear with a fearless spirit. (4) The saying "knowledge is the best medicine to cure fear" makes sense. If you are fully prepared for various possible changes, you will improve your psychological tolerance and make it difficult for fear to invade. (5) Through learning, improve your ability to understand things, expand your cognitive horizons, and correctly determine the source of fear.


Although hope has no color, it can make your life brilliant; although hope has no shape, it can give you magical power. If there is hope in life, dreams will also shine. Only when the fire of hope is not extinguished can we keep striving, overcome hardships and realize our ideals.


Don't blame or complain


What does a man want a woman to do for him? Of course, it is comfort, not excitement, but comfort in the ordinary sense.

  • Maintain a good temper

  • Be a considerate woman

  • Be a woman who is good at listening

  • Cooperate with your husband's actions


The art of communicating with subordinates

  • Give clear and unambiguous instructions

  • Have heart-to-heart talks with subordinates at any time

  • Effectively criticize subordinates


Don't criticize, blame or complain about anyone. (The first taboo in dealing with people)

Please don't be stingy with genuine, unpretentious compliments. (This kind of speech is very valuable)

Appeal to the other person's inner needs.


Worrying can make our expressions stiff, our hair fall out, our skin dull, and we age rapidly and look sad.


Be sincere in commending, and generous in praising (A gentleman does not seek to be a spy, and does not use himself to gain favor.)


Please give me peace.

To bear the things I cannot change;

Please give me courage.

To change what I can.

Please give me wisdom,

To judge the difference between the two.


Interpersonal relationships are the communication between people, and are a modern way of expressing the biblical golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


William Shakespeare (William Shakespeare. Chinese society often respectfully calls him Sha Weng. Lu Xun called Shakespeare "Shakespeare" in "On the Power of Poetry" in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. He is the most outstanding dramatist in the history of British literature, the most important and greatest writer in the European Renaissance, and one of the most outstanding writers in the world.) once said: "There is no such thing as good or bad in the world. Thoughts make it so."


George Bernard Shaw said it well when he said, "The secret of being unhappy is to have free time to think about whether you are happy or not." So don't think about it. Keep yourself busy and your blood will start to circulate and your mind will start to sharpen - keep yourself busy. It is the cheapest medicine in the world and the best one.


Happiness is a feeling, an experience of triumph over adversity, a triumph over oneself, an experience of turning lemons into lemonade.


Salute to the dawn. Look at today! Because it is life, life in life. In its short time, it stores all your changes and realities: the blessing of growth, the glory of action, the splendor of achievement. Because yesterday is just a dream, and tomorrow is just an illusion, but living well in today can make every yesterday a happy dream, and every tomorrow a hope. So, seize this day well, this is your salute to the dawn.


Of course, we should not just accept all the misfortunes, that is just fatalism. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should fight to the end! But when we find that the situation is irreversible, we should not hesitate to resist, but accept it calmly.


If there is a secret to success, it may be understanding the other person's position and being able to take into account both your own interests and theirs.


What you think you are is not who you really are. Actions and feelings go hand in hand. Controlling actions with your will will indirectly control feelings. Transform fear into courage to overcome any obstacle.


A gentle, noble disposition is undoubtedly indispensable to the highest form of beauty, and it can make the most ordinary face shine. If you always have beautiful thoughts and good wishes in your mind, then wherever you go, you will leave a beautiful and harmonious impression on people, and no one will notice how ordinary your appearance is or what defects you have.


You should be grateful that you are unique in the world and should make use of your talents.


Don’t let yourself get upset over little things that should be put aside and forgotten, and remember: “Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.”


There is a saying that "time is money in the world", so thieves who steal other people's time should of course be punished, and even those happy good people should still avoid them like a taboo disease.


If we know that we are likely to be punished, why don't we quickly and bravely admit our mistakes to the other party? Wouldn't it be much better than hearing criticism from others? If the other party wants to blame you, you have already said it for him, and he is embarrassed to continue to scold you, then you have a 99% chance of gaining his understanding.


Being able to call someone's name familiarly is an effective and subtle compliment.


Hurting others not only fails to change them, but is also unnecessary.


When you feel that you have a tendency to be negative or abnormal in your conversation, you might as well be alert and immediately add positive and gentle tones and content. These contents can greatly help you to cheer up and control your nervousness.


Some people like to say that goals are difficult to achieve, that is due to their weak will.


If you don't look at the road under your feet, you will have more chances of falling.


When you worry about things that are past, you are only sawing sawdust.


Burning enthusiasm, coupled with practical knowledge and perseverance, are the qualities that most often lead to success.


Whether you are happy or unhappy has nothing to do with what you have, who you are, where you are, or what you are doing. It only has to do with what you are thinking.


After Clowrey was arrested, Police Chief Maloney said: "He is the most dangerous criminal in New York's history. He kills without blinking an eye... He will definitely be sentenced to death!" But how did Clowrey see himself? When the police surrounded him, he wrote an open letter, claiming: "There is a tired heart under my clothes, it is a kind heart that does not want to hurt anyone." Maybe his wound was bleeding when he wrote the letter, and there were traces of his blood on the letter paper!


Please do not forget that we are not dealing with absolutely rational animals, but with animals full of mood swings, prejudices, conceit and vanity.


Magic formula for a short (2 minute) speech:

  1. Start by describing the details of the example to vividly illustrate the idea you want to convey to your audience.

  2. Express your views and requirements in detail and clearly (be concise, easy to understand and implement).

  3. State the reason and emphasize what the audience will gain if they do what you say (be specific and make only one request). The examples you give at the beginning may take up more than 3/4 of the time, and the rest of the time is used to express expectations. At this point, there is no need to go into details, just make a straightforward statement.


You might think that this is not common among criminals. If you think so, listen to the following:

"I have dedicated the best years of my life to others, I helped them to be happy and joyful, but what I got was the humiliation of being arrested." This was said by Al Capp, the number one public enemy in the United States and a gangster who once ran rampant in the Chicago area. He did not think that he was cruel, on the contrary, he felt that he was a good person who was beneficial to others, a good person who was not praised and misunderstood by others.

That heinous criminal in New York, Sulz, thought so too before he was knocked down. He even claimed in an interview with a journalist that he was a man who was good to the people.


Please don't be stingy with your sincere and unpretentious praise.


Interview conversation skills

  • A decent appearance: clothing, makeup, punctuality, polite temperament, enthusiasm, confidence, reserve, and neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

  • Appropriate language expression: clear articulation, fluent speech, appropriate volume, tone and speed, appropriate subtlety and humor.

  • Express yourself calmly: Based on your resume, express your strengths and abilities, be realistic, and let the other party think you are the right candidate.

  • Handle questions properly: We need to make clear the purpose of the interview questions. "Why are you applying for this position?" Usually the interviewer wants to know your career goals and your familiarity with the company. "What do you think are your shortcomings?" Usually they want to understand your integrity and whether you are suitable for the position. You can talk about your shortcomings, and the other side of the shortcomings, the advantages it brings. "What would you do when you have a conflict of opinion with your boss?" Usually they want to test your communication skills and self-identity. Regarding salary, you can give a reasonable floating range. In addition,


Shortly before the raid, Colore and his girlfriend were driving on a Long Island highway, flirting when a police officer approached and said, "Show me your driver's license, please."

Without saying anything, Kolore pulled out his pistol and fired several shots at the policeman. After the policeman fell to the ground and died, Kolore jumped out of the car, picked up the policeman's gun and fired several more shots at his body. But such a cruel man actually said: "There is a tired heart under my clothes, it is kind and does not want to hurt anyone's heart."

When Colore was sentenced to death by electric chair, did he confess his crime when he was led to the execution room? No, he said: "Is this what I get for defending myself?"

From this story we can see that Kolore did not think he was wrong, nor did he feel any remorse.


Why waste tears? We make mistakes and do ridiculous things, but so what? Who doesn't make mistakes? Even Napoleon lost one-third of his key battles. Maybe our winning rate is better than Napoleon's. Who can say for sure?


A happy marriage belongs only to those who are mature in mind, understand themselves, are good at building good relationships with others, and are responsible and consider the happiness of others in everything they do.

  • Keep thanking and praising her

  • Be generous and considerate to your wife

  • Always maintain your image

  • Understand her dedication

  • A wife who always supports you

  • Know how to share with your significant other

  • Always express your love to your wife

  • Don't torture your wife with silence


Always walk on a sunny road. Let the warmth and power of the sun enter your whole body. The light shines on your face, making it glow and reflect to others.


If you don't succeed at something you really want to do, don't give up and accept failure immediately, try something else

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