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🎉Life Quotes🥳

"With great emptiness and a vacuum none can fill we push on through the shadows, complied to walk in the darkness and never allowed to appreciate it with the hope of a light unseen but we will still get there."

— Emmoduro 😊

"Your breaking point will be a bloody refuge, not a clean slate."

— Christina Hopp, The Morning After Relapse 😊

"You must have hope in a better future and have faith in this hope. But then you must forget your hope and focus on this moment now."

— Kamand Kojouri 😊

"Sometimes it's easier to go on living, not even knowing who you are, when at least you know precisely where you are while you go on not knowing."

— Fredrik Backman, Britt-Marie Was Here 😊

"Seals:The Five Cosmic Seals are five occult Level 333, 666, 999, 1330 and 003 operating 400,000 minuet mystical degrees."

— Compton Gage, Devil's Inception 😊

"First Cosmic Seal:(Devic Seal 333) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 40,000 spirits."

— Compton Gage, Devil's Inception 😊

"Second Cosmic Seal:(Seal of Karl 666) One who has received this Cosmic Seal is empowered to control not less than 160,000 spirits. Many great politicians, military commanders, etc. on earth are at this occult level of operations. This will be the occult level of Antichrist."

— Compton Gage, Devil's Inception 😊

"Where the cheerful childrenof unwritten poems,play all around,you will find me there."

— Khadija Rupa, Unexpressed Feelings 😊

"Always count your blessings, even if you have to count them through your tears"

— Eleanor Brownn 😊

"It is high time that I learn to be more careful about hope, a reckless emotion for travelers. The sensible approach would be to the expect the worst, the very worst, that way you avoid grievous disappointment and who knows with a tiny bit of luck, you might even have a moderately pleasant surprise, like the difference between hell and purgatory."

— Martha Gellhorn 😊

"There is always a way forward if the responsible parties are willing to act."

— Auliq-Ice 😊

"To those who, in spite of everything, still choose goodness."

— Marie Lu, The Midnight Star 😊

"History has seen many who claim to be deliverer and saviour of the people. They might come with force and violence and parade their might and splendour as conquerors. The pharaohs of Egypt, Sennacherib king of Assyria, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Darius of Persia, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Napoleon, Clive of India, Bismarck, the Kaiser, Hitler, Stalin. The story and scene is always the same. They claim to deliver the people from bondage and to establish justice, freedom and peace. They come in might, riding in splendour, dragging prisoners."

— John Myer, John Myer: A Collection of his Sermons and Writing, #1 😊

"Despair is not solid. Neither is joy. They alternate, and contain each other. There is no joy that is not also touched by sorrow, no grief that is not rendered sharper by the memory of bliss. If things move forward in one direction and not another, they do so by rolling there, passing through the same tight orbit, touching here an ecstasy, there another shattering loss."

— Ben Ehrenreich, The Way to the Spring: Life and Death in Palestine 😊

"Courage comes from a surrendered heart,a prepared mind, and a good conscience."

— Deborah J. Johnson 😊

"Only to close these eyesto sleep in the lap of loveand stay there forever."

— Khadija Rupa, Unexpressed Feelings 😊

"(...) ha! what is hope? a butterfly in a boxof demons, and nothing escapes the darkuntainted, a mockery of politics and greedstamped with treason and dipped inmyths and force-fed brainwashinggoing off after a time for the grandmassacre of faith, humanity, and still we search, scorched feetfor life but find only fake plastic treessatirical, ludicrous, and ironic"

— Moonshine Noire 😊

"Life took longer to reassemble than it did to blow apart, but that didn't mean it wouldn't be lovely, providing that one remembered to go for country walks, and to tune the wireless to music."

— Chris Cleave, Everyone Brave is Forgiven 😊

"?Proprio un elfo snob doveva toccarmi in sorte le rispose divertito. ?Allora, non mi rimane altra scelta che portarti in campeggio, prima o poi, o in canoa o a fare una nuotata nel lago.?Lei lo fiss con la sua pi riuscita espressione Scordartelo disegnata sul volto.?Puoi guardarmi come vuoi, ma mai dire mai? ridacchi lui.?Oh, invece mai una delle mie parole preferite.? ?Scommetto che ti piacerebbeCosaIl campeggio. Le stelle, il silenzio, le foglie che mormorano al vento, sai, quelle cose l.? ?Per non parlare di orsi, insetti e magari di qualche serpente che ha perso la strada di casa. Mi vengono i brividi solo a pensarci. Sono un elfo cittadino a tutti gli effetti e ho il terrore di tutto ci che si muove e che non sia addomesticabile.?Lui la fiss con aria divertita. ?Incluso il sottoscrittoLe si era avvicinato troppo e ora la fissava come se volesse divorarla, in modo cos sfacciato che, per puro istinto di sopravvivenza, arretr di un passo. Non abbass lo sguardo ma per qualche attimo non seppe cosa rispondergli. Non che avesse dubbi che la categoria esseri viventi non addomesticabili e pericolosi includesse anche lui, almeno a dar retta a tutte quelle farfalle che le svolazzavano nello stomaco, ma come avrebbe potuto rispondergli s? Cos gli sorrise a sua volta, pronta allennesima bugia.?Sono convinta, predatore, che tu, nonostante i grugniti e i continui brontolii e la tua probabile parentela con un grizzly, sia molto addomesticabile.?Lui alz un sopracciglio, con unespressione da schiaffi da premio Oscar."

— Viviana Giorgi, E infine la Bestia incontr Bella 😊

"Hope is a form of conscious dream making"

— Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls 😊

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