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🎉Life Quotes🥳

"When you cease to make a contribution you begin to die."

— Eleanor Roosevelt 🍁

goodness, giving

"For the cause that lacks assistance The wrong that needs resistance For the future in the distance And the good that I can do."

— George Linnaeus Banks 🍁


"Happy were men if they but understood There is no safety but in doing good."

— John Fountain 🍁


"Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?"

— Bible 🍁


"Be good sweet maid and let who will be clever Do noble things not dream them all day long And so make life death and that vast forever One grand sweet song."

— Charles Kingsley 🍁


"The crest and crowning of all good Life's final star is Brotherhood."

— Edwin Markham 🍁


"Since good the more Communicated more abundant grows."

— John Milton 🍁


"A glass is good and a lass is good. And a pipe to smoke in cold weather The world is good and the people are good And we're all good fellows together."

— John O'Keeffe 🍁


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