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🎉Life Quotes🥳

"When I pass-away (as each of us must) release a balloon into the sky with ashes attached, to celebrate my graduation... My graduation from this life to the next."

— Raymond D. Longoria Jr. 😍

"Giving Thanks unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have, no matter how little, into more than enough. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. Gratitude can change a modest meal into a feast, a humble house into a loving home, a stranger into a caring friend."

— Raymond D. Longoria Jr. 😍

"The more intense the belief, the less likely that reason and evidence can dislodge it."

— Linda Elder Richard Paul, The Thinkers Guide to Fallacies: The Art of Mental Trickery and Manipulation 😍

"Some of us manage to think bigger, brighter, deeper thoughts. Some of these thoughts already shape the kind of research we do. Some of them will prove to be right, and our understanding of our home will deepen. Our home, one day, will be less of a mystery to us."

— Tarun Betala 😍

"When what you believe, intend, feel and act comes in alignment Magic happens!"

— Harrish Sairaman 😍

"All belief is a form of voluntary madness."

— Marty Rubin 😍

"It's not the size of the girl in the fight that counts... it's the size of the fight in the girl! -MISS MARVEL"

— G. Willow Wilson, Ms. Marvel, Vol. 6: Civil War II 😍

"I did wonder if I'd have cause to rue my action. Now I believe it can safely be filed under Necessary Regrets."

— Anthony Ryan, The Waking Fire 😍

"I've often had to stand on the firm ground of my convictions when others thought I ought to be doing differently."

— Anne Mateer, Playing by Heart 😍

"I dont see why the things we believe absolutely now shouldnt be just as wrong as what they believed in the past.Neither do I.Then how can you believe anything at all?I dont know."

— W. Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage 😍

"Why would anybody be a Satanist, anyway? I dont get it. You cant believe in Satan without believing in God, and then youre just picking the wrong side in a big mythic battle thing."

— Charlie Jane Anders, All the Birds in the Sky 😍

"Many of us are literally prone to believing the most blatantly nonsensical untruths. There are some opinions and some beliefs so incredibly moronic, you actually feel stupid for not believing them; and it's probably because in giving the benefit of the doubt you self-doubt, you convince yourself into lame passivity and blind acceptance, you tell yourself, 'Maybe I'm just missing something here."

— Criss Jami 😍

"What the wise man knows he questions but what the fool believes he sees."

— Jason Versey 😍

"Polly?' Said Wazzer. 'Yes?''You don't believe in The Duchess, do you? I mean the real Duchess, not your inn.'Polly looked into the small, pinched, intense face. 'Well I mean, they say she's dead, and I prayed to her when I was small, but since you asked I don't exactly, um, believe as-' She gabbled.'She is standing just behind you. Just behind your right shoulder.'In the silence of the wood, Polly turned. 'I can't see her,' she said.'I am happy for you,' said Wazzer, handing her the empty mug.'But I didn't see anything,' said Polly.'No,' said Wazzer. 'But you turned around."

— Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment 😍

"He who doesnt believe that God can do everything believes in a god who can do something! He who knows that God is all does all things because of God, no matter what!"

— Ernest Agyemang Yeboah 😍

"We all have choices. What are you choosing to believe about yourself, and about your life Believing you don't have a choice is a choice."

— Scott Stabile 😍

"Believing can mean something a good deal less than certainty. I believe the bus will come in five minutes, but I cant be sure. Or sometimes it can mean the kind of knowledge which is acquired after scrupulous review of evidence to build up a cumulative case for some conviction. But believing [as Scripture presents it] is not half-certainty, nor the fruit of mental effort. Its belief in the deep, strong sense of giving allegiance to something which overwhelms us. To believe in the Lord Jesusis to do far more than simply give him a passing nod with the mind or even to honor him with our religious devotion. Its the astonished business of being so overthrown by his reality, so mastered by his sheer presence, so judged by him, that we can do nothing other than acknowledge that he is supremely real, supremely true. To believe in him is to confess himto affirm with mind and will and heart that he fills all things, that our only hope lies in his name. ? Belief in this sense concerns the entire shape of a personal life. It embraces the whole of us. Its not one department of our life, something in which we engage alongside all the other things we doworking, loving, hoping, creating, worrying, and so on. Believing is about the way in which we dispose the world of our existence. We believe when were totally shaped by something outside of us, acknowledging that it has put a decisive stamp on all that we are and all that we do. This is why belief in this deep, strong sense defines us completely: Were believers, doing all that we do out of the inescapable conviction that the Lord Jesus is the persistent factor in the whole of our life. Believing in him, confessing him, involves no less than everything."

— John Webster 😍

"Our believing has no power of itself; we certainly arent saved by belief. Were saved by the grace and goodness and majesty of him in whom we believeby the one whom we confess as we believe. In a real sense, our belief is nothing in and of itself. Its simply a looking to him, a listening to him, in which we are wholly absorbed by that which we see and hear."

— John Webster 😍

"I don't believe in love. I love."

— Marty Rubin 😍

"Believing is for Santa Claus, right? It's for Tooth Fairies. It's for your boyfriend when he says he's never met anyone like you and wants to feel you up. That's believing. It's for little kids. Belief. You believe in God?"

— Paolo Bacigalupi, The Doubt Factory 😍

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